When did you realize you wanted to be a fashion designer?  When I was a child, I knew I wanted to be a Designer.  I started Designing looks for all my friends in school.
In one quick sentence – what do you actually do all day?  Everything- from sketching to emails to web Design. I am a roll- up- your sleeves kind of woman.
Who or what is your design inspiration? Women that color outside the lines on the other side of the box.
Where or when do you get most of your work done?   In the middle of the night.  I wake up with inspiration and have to jump out of bed to sketch.
Workout of choice – Spin or Yoga?  Yoga   
What is your biggest pet peeve?  Dishes left in the sink.
What is your “go to” snack?   Potato Chips- any kind- any flavor.
Give us three words that describe your collection:  Innovative Craftsmanship, Harmonious Colors, Textured Fabrics.


When did you realize you wanted to be a fashion designer?  I wrote it down for the first time at the age of 10. At 14, I got into Design and Architecture Senior High School in Miami, which had a fashion program.
In one quick sentence – what do you actually do all day?  Schlep!
Who or what is your design inspiration?  It’s constantly in flux, but there I’m always inspired by a sense of harmony that can be found in opposites..
Where or when do you get most of your work done?  Late at night!
Workout of choice – Spin or Yoga?  Spin
What is your biggest pet peeve?   People on the sidewalk who walk very closely behind you to try and get you to walk faster.
What is your “go to” snack?  Pinkberry.
Give us three words that describe your collection:  Textural, relaxed, playful


When did you realize you wanted to be a fashion designer?  Growing up, I spent my summers in Greece. My grandmother would make me a new dress each time I got there, something I really looked forward to. I would use the long flights to put together inspirational photos and sketch what I wanted her to make. The process felt like the most natural thing to me.  
In one quick sentence – what do you actually do all day? Something completely different from the day before
Who or what is your design inspiration?  Travel and culture
Where or when do you get most of your work done?  At my studio, late night   
Workout of choice – Spin or Yoga?  Yoga
What is your biggest pet peeve?   Dishonesty
What is your “go to” snack?  These days… Chocolate almond milk
Give us three words that describe your collection:  Sophisticated, Sensual, Cosmopolitan


When did you realize you wanted to be a fashion designer?  As kids, we each sat around drawing, creating, constructing and playing dress up. As adults we were still doing all these things, and when we started hanging out together we realized this could be a career. 
In one quick sentence – what do you actually do all day?  Sort through emails, make each other laugh, try on clothes, Instagram.
Who or what is your design inspiration?  Kate Moss, Janis Joplin, quotes about life and love, our mothers, each other.
Where or when do you get most of your work done?  For Abbey first thing in the morning, Michelle midday and Carmen late at night so all together we make one superhuman.
Workout of choice – Spin or Yoga? Yoga!  
What is your biggest pet peeve?  When people associate Bohowith oversized muumuu’s and Birkenstocks.
What is your “go to” snack?  Tacos. And not just on a Tuesday
Give us three words that describe your collection:  Outlaw, Bandida, wanderlust.


When did you realize you wanted to be a fashion designer? Victoria and I always loved art and fashion.  I was working as a designer in NYC and she as art consultant. We wanted to be creative and collaborate and create wearable art.
In one quick sentence – what do you actually do all day?  We get to work with awesome people and create beautiful soft tee shirts that make us happy.
Who or what is your design inspiration? Victoria and I are inspired constantly from places to people to listening to music, art , poetry.
Where or when do you get most of your work done?  London in Roachie HQ
Workout of choice – Spin or Yoga?  Neither a dance party to Fleetwood Mac.
What is your biggest pet peeve?  When people don’t smile
What is your “go to” snack?  We love snacks. Especially Momofuku cookies or Levains
Give us three words that describe your collection:  Everyday, Art , Happiness


When did you realize you wanted to be a fashion designer?  Since when we were both at school, but we both originally wanted to be Graphic Designers.
In one quick sentence – what do you actually do all day?  Work, problem solve, work, be creative, in and out of meetings, work, eat, hang out with my cats, go for a run in the evening, watch TV, Sleep…
Who or what is your design inspiration?  We always design with a certain woman/girl in mind… She is a free spirit, she is ambitious, she is successful, she is fun, she is confident.  There are a few inspiring women we have in mind when we design:  Carlotta Oddi, Lou Dillon, Erin Wasson, Caroline Maigret, Cara Delevigne, Daria Werbowy.
Where or when do you get most of your work done?  Zoe:  In the office, I would say I’m most efficient when everyone has gon home and its quiet.  Quince:  In the office, first thing in the morning.  I’m an early bird.
Workout of choice – Spin or Yoga?  Neither!  Love to run and weight train.
What is your biggest pet peeve?   When the cats have a “bad day” and they don’t get along (we have 4).
What is your “go to” snack?  I want to say fruit… but 9 out of 10 times it is chocolate (my weakness).
Give us three words that describe your collection:  Sorry we have 4!  Cool, Rock N Roll, Easy to Wear, Luxury Basics


When did you realize you wanted to be a fashion designer?  Because I owned my own store I was always being challenged with finding certain items my clients wanted and sometimes not being able to find them. This challenge became the inspiration for the first 10 piece collection a few years ago. We are now in our 9th season and are ready to be challenged by the wholesale market.
In one quick sentence – what do you actually do all day?  My team is small really only 2 people right now. Myself and my designer Kelsie Hayes. Being a team of 2 you have to wear many hats and take on many roles.
Who or what is your design inspiration?  Travel has always been a passion as well as an inspiration of mine as well as my lifestyle. These two areas inspire the way I dress and what I want to design.
Where or when do you get most of your work done?  Because I have 2 young’s kids (5 years old and 5 months old) I either do a bit of work in the morning when I have my coffee buzz or after everyone has gone to bed at night when its a bit peaceful.
Workout of choice – Spin or Yoga? Yoga for sure.
What is your biggest pet peeve? When people don’t return emails.
What is your “go to” snack?  Kind bars specifically the dark chocolate and sea salt and a big bottle of Fiji water.   
Give us three words that describe your collection. Tomboy, Simple, Athletic


When did you realize you wanted to be a fashion designer? When I fell in love with textiles and the creation of fabric for cultural storytelling.
In one quick sentence – what do you actually do all day? Every day my job spans from lugging suitcases and fabrics all over the city, to emailing, to designing on the subway or in the morning over tea.
Who or what is your design inspiration? The artisans I partner with in South America.
Where or when do you get most of your work done? In the middle of the night, in my kitchen!
Workout of choice – Spin or Yoga? I’m a dancer, so ballet! Or a good run. 
What is your biggest pet peeve? When someone looks over my shoulder :)
What is your “go to” snack? In the kitchen I invent and improvise.. so whatever I have
Give us three words that describe your collection.  Minimalist, Sportsy, Luxurious

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