The Assemblist Letter 52 - Hillary's Fashion Month + Market Checklist


With “fashion month” approaching, we will be making sure that we are prepping our brand community with the tools they need to have a successful market. 

In addition to this we will also be engaging with our buyers to fill them in on some of the new amazing brands that we have participating in market. We always love to brainstorm new, fun and interesting ways to increase engagement! As market approaches here is my checklist for the busy month ahead:


One item designers should have with them at all times for appointments:

Confidence! I know that is not an “item" but it is one of the most important aspects to have during market. To believe in the product you are selling is powerful and to be able to communicate that to the buyers can be the key to success!

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One to-do that designers should address this market season:

Network. There are so many important people and influencers all in town during one month! It is so important to be able to connect with the people in the industry and make yourself known.

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One new addition to your own checklist this season:

I am looking forward to designing a custom reception desk for our New York Square that will be an organic and mobile addition to our home!

- Hillary France, co-founder and CEO of Brand Assembly

Illustrations by Magdalene Kan for The Assemblist

What's on your market checklist? Share it with us in a comment below or on social media at @brandassembly.