The Pleasure Principle: Sexual Health, Cannabis + Women in the Wellness Industry


When Brand Assembly first reached out to me, the team had two major goals for 2020. Tell more dad jokes... like, minimum three a day. And two, explore the sexual health and wellness space. Since I’m a mom, I’m allergic to dad jokes, so I directed the staff to @dadsaysjokes on Instagram and decided to focus on the latter. 

This year, Brand Assembly, through their division, The Faculty, will host a series of panel discussions tackling hot button topics in the sexual health and wellness industry. Centered around their trade shows in New York and Los Angeles, the panel events aim to educate the audience through a candid discussion spanning over the business and the personal. Brand Assembly works hard to build community and promoting collaboration, so what better way to do that than by using their platform to bringing together accomplished professionals in the industry? (Think of this as school, except instead of final exams, we’ll serve wine.)

The first panel will take place on February 13, 2020 at Witness Apartment, in New York City. Join me for an intimate discussion about sex, cannabis, health, and women in the wellness industry with Gabriella Alexa (sex writer, content creator, and cannabis advocate), Jenny Gorenstein (Chief Growth Officer at Foria), Chelsea Leyland (deejay and cannabis advocate), and Sophie Saint Thomas (journalist and author of Finding Your Higher Self: Your Guide to Cannabis for Self-Care.)

The legalization of medical cannabis is changing the health industry and has helped many people with conditions that would have gone without remedy, especially women. So many things that plague us in the bedroom are considered “quality of life” issues, and not in dire need of treatment. However, medical cannabis has changed the way we treat issues with our sexual health, including everything from endometriosis to using cannabis as a vasodilator in the quest for pleasure. Medical cannabis has relinquished many women from pain and helped others explore themselves sexually in ways they never thought possible. We will discuss all these things through the personal stories and careers of the panelists, while also touching on the business side of the wellness industry. In the last century, the majority of North American women have morphed from consumers into workers, entrepreneurs, and innovators. (Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that women officially surpassed men in the workforce holding 50.4 percent of the job market in the United States.) How has this massive cultural and economic change affected the way we talk, sell, and consume sexual health in 2020? Do women sell differently to women? We will explore all these questions and more. 

So, please join us for the premiere sexual health and wellness panel discussion next month. We look forward to seeing you.


- Mish Barber-Way