I AM A VOTER x Brand Assembly Show


Is there anything more empowering than casting an election ballot? Our friends at I Am A Voter are working to spread that feeling and the message that democracy works best when we’re all in. 

IAAV is a nonpartisan organization that offers educational tools, easy voter registration, accessible voting information, and different ways to encourage civic engagement, like through their downloadable social assets and branded products. The organization is leveraging the power of influence that both brands and individuals hold to get out the vote. They know that if enough people talk about the election, more citizens will participate. And what’s even easier than talking about voting? Wearing it. Three brands in the Brand Assembly Show network — Also, Freedom, FUN Socks, and THATCH — teamed up with the organization to create exclusive pieces that speak to the IAAV mission. We posed some rapid-fire questions to two founding members of I Am A Voter and the creators of the Also, Freedom, FUN Socks, and THATCH products to learn why they vote (and some other civic duty fun facts). If you’re still looking for a November 3rd outfit, these women have you covered. 

VOTE: Need we say more?

FULL NAME: April Uchitel, Founding Team Member of IAAV (photographed left)

CITY: Los Angeles, CA

WHY VOTING IS IMPORTANT TO YOU: Voting is CRITICALLY important to me as I need to do all that I can to impact the world my children will inherit.


YOUR FAVORITE IAAV VOTING COLLAB? Mother Denim IAMAVOTER SOCKS! They are ageless, genderless and universally cool!

FULL NAME: Alle Fister, Founder of Bollare Communications and Founding Team Member of IAAV (photographed right)

CITY: Los Angeles, CA

WHY VOTING IS IMPORTANT TO YOU: We are fortunate to live in a country where a vote sends a direct message to the government about what a citizen wants, and the type of place that they want to live in. It is an opportunity none of us should forgo or forget!

WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED BY WORKING WITH IAAV? That there are amazing people, who are willing to spend their time to make a difference. The women behind I am a voter are all volunteers, who are committed to creating a cultural shift around civic engagement. It is amazing what we have been able to accomplish together. I am proud to be a part of this team and work with women I respect and admire. 

YOUR FAVORITE IAAV VOTING COLLAB? I am so proud and grateful for the support that Brand Assembly has brought to I am a voter. I’m going to highlight a beauty brand! We are launching a collaboration with the truly amazing Josie Maran Cosmetics. They’ve taken their amazing Body Butter (launching 10.6) and collaborated with us! Love!

Visit iamavoter.com

Follow @iamavoter

FULL NAME: Dahlia Hage, Creative Director, Founder of Also, Freedom

CITY: Huntington Beach, CA

BEST PART OF DESIGNING A PRODUCT FOR IAAV: Thinking practically about how to make a truly actionable piece in the form of an embroidered QR Code, as well as simply representing the strong initiative IAAV has set in motion. 

WHY VOTING IS IMPORTANT TO YOU: It doesn’t make any sense to opt out of participating in your own future. This isn’t political, it’s humanitarian. 

DO YOU WEAR YOUR “I VOTED” STICKER OR TOSS IT? Wear proudly everywhere!

Shop alsofreedom.com

Follow @alsofrdm

Check out Also, Freedom on Pages—Brand Assembly Show’s virtual wholesale platform.

FULL NAME:  Helen Fernandes, Brand Manager of Fun Socks and Crystal Kiteveles, Senior Designer of Fun Socks

CITY:  Portland, OR (Helen) / New York, NY (Crystal)

BEST PART OF DESIGNING A PRODUCT FOR IAAV:  Being able to support the shift in the voting culture and subsequently support Democracy. (Helen) / To provide a product to wearers that displays a concept we are so passionate about. (Crystal)

WHY VOTING IS IMPORTANT TO YOU:  It is one powerful opportunity you have to tell those in charge what you think of their performance. (Helen) / It gives us a voice to speak up for the things we believe in. (Crystal)

FAVORITE MEMORY OF AN ELECTION DAY: Would also be my first, and walking away with the thought that what I thought I mattered and I got to participate in the process. (Helen) / It would have to be my first. I went to vote with my parents and was so excited to be able to finally go into that booth and cast a ballot of my very own. (Crystal)

Shop funsocks.com

Follow @funsocks

FULL NAME: Amy Olson Goin, Director of Sales of Thatch

CITY: San Diego, CA

BEST PART OF DESIGNING A PRODUCT FOR IAAV: Being a small part in encouraging all people to use their voice and speak up for what matters is more important than ever. We are proud to see our little necklace out there on so many women!

WHY VOTING IS IMPORTANT TO YOU: Women before us made giant sacrifices to secure women the right to vote. It is imperative for all people to vote, but especially women who haven't always had that right. 


Shop shopthatch.com

Follow @thatch.jewelry

Check out THATCH on Pages—Brand Assembly Show’s virtual wholesale platform.