Ty McBride of Intentionally Blank


Here’s something you may not know about Ty McBride, founder of the trailblazing shoe brand Intentionally Blank: he grew up in a little town in Oregon that sits at the base of a dormant volcano. Ty’s firecracker wit and explosive creativity more than make up for the lack of eruptions. 

Before starting his own brand, Ty worked in a variety of roles with Jeffrey Campbell and Solestruck (no longer around), as well as consulting with shoe brands on his own for a period. Eventually, it became clear that the right next step was a brand of his own. Intentionally Blank was born to help fill the gaps in customers’ personal style; these customers quickly become loyal followers because of the high quality and wearability of the shoes. IB shoes are sold by a variety of retailers, and the brand has storefronts in both Los Angeles and Hudson, NY. Ty draws inspiration for his designs from a wide variety of sources, often reworking vintage patterns with modern details and looking to unexpected music icons and pop figures for creative stimulation. 

CONCLUDING THOUGHTS: Watch out for this one, he’s blowing up.

FULL NAME: Ty Leslie McBride

CITY: Currently living bi-coastally between Hudson, NY and Los Angeles, CA

SHOE OF CHOICE: My favorite new brand is a Spanish brand called HEREU. My favorite shoe from my own brand this season is probably the ALBANY oxford!

IF YOU COULD EAT 1 THING EACH DAY, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I love love love chips and salsa, I actually think I could go quite a few days in a row!

FAVE PLACE TO VISIT/VACATION: Here are two lists to answer this question: 1) places I have been or go that I love: Bow Edison, Washington, Tulum, Mexico, Mykonos, Palm Springs and 2) places I am dying to go: Mexico City, Detroit, Michigan, Terlingua, Texas.