Jenn Magofña of Sendle


What’s more fun than getting a package in the mail? That’s why we love Sendle’s mission to provide reliable, affordable, and sustainable shipping for the small businesses we love to support. 

Jenn Magofña, Sendle’s community manager, is at the center of that mission. It’s the connections between these small businesses and their customers that keep them strong, and Jenn leads Sendle in bolstering those relationships. On top of cultivating community, Sendle is committed to healing the planet so that we have clean spaces for this community to exist in; the company is America’s first 100% carbon neutral shipping service and a certified B Corporation. It’s inspiring to see how Jenn’s own passions, like supporting women-of-color owned businesses, intersect with her work at Sendle. 

SPECIAL DELIVERY: Keep the packages coming.

FULL NAME: Jenn Magofña (Sendle Community Manager)

CITY: Seattle, WA

YOUR FIRST MEMORY OF RECEIVING A PACKAGE VIA MAIL/COURIER: Ohh, I love this! I remember saving up and getting one of my first dresses from Anthropologie in the mail! It was a dusty purple color with teacups all over it. Super whimsical and not my style at all anymore but back then I LOVED it.  


WEIRDEST WAY THAT YOU OFFSET YOUR PERSONAL CARBON FOOTPRINT: Boring but unplugging devices when they're not in use (hello, toaster and coffee maker).


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