Brookes Boswell of Shop Boswell


Brookes Boswell didn’t know she was going to open Shop Boswell until she already had the location picked out. What was intended to be only her studio has turned into a complementary business to her line of hats, creatively and professionally.

Having begun her career in architecture, Brookes began learning millinery unexpectedly. When designing hats, she finds that she’s inspired by everything but other hats - anything from interior design to photography to fashion. Having the shop, which she only decided to open after she knew that the space she’d found for a studio was perfect for retail, has proven to be a source of creativity. When buying for the store, she’s encouraged to consider hats in the context of a whole outfit and lifestyle. On top of that, the type of work the shop requires is quite different. Interacting with customers, managing social accounts, and even bookkeeping are aspects of the job that Brookes genuinely enjoys. She also loves supporting the wider network of designers that she’s connected with through her years as a brand founder; if a brand is stocked in Shop Boswell, you can trust that it’ll stand the test of time in both quality and beauty. 

HATS OFF: We think accidental stores might be the best. 

NAME: Brookes Boswell

CITY: Portland, OR

MOST UNUSUAL HAT REQUEST YOU’VE EVER REC’D: A purple velour felt hat to go with a spider costume. Very weird. 

BEST SELLING BRAND IN YOUR STORE: Brookes Boswell. Also we sell a lot of vintage and a selection of independent designers such as Caron Callahan, Story Mfg., Cawley Studio, Shaina Mote, Bode and Micaela Greg

FAVE WINE: I like my wine natural and cold. Croatian Malvasia is a favorite.