Mai Vu of maivino


Mai Vu knows that bagged wine has a bad rap, and maivino is here to change that. What most people see as a relic of party days gone by, Mai sees as the future of a sustainable wine industry.

When she worked in advertising, Mai got used to telling stories about products. Whether or not those stories were true made little difference to the bottom line, but it did make a difference to Mai. With the resolve to build a brand on a foundation of honesty, she left advertising and began learning all she could about the wine industry. Turns out, it needs a lot of work to catch up to the twenty-first century. Wine making is built on many centuries-old traditions, but Mai made the choice to leave behind any that weren’t serving the wine, the consumer or the planet. With a product that tastes good, is convenient to enjoy, and reduces waste in the industry, maivino makes the case for airtight pouches.

GOODBYE, BOTTLES: Bagged wine is here to stay.

NAME: Mai Van Vu

CITY: Brooklyn, NY

SOMETHING PEOPLE MISUNDERSTAND ABOUT BAGGED WINE? It's what's on the inside that counts! People generally assume that boxed/pouched wine is low quality. However this is a myth - while there are some boxed/pouched wines that are low-quality, as they say, do not judge a book by its cover. We produce and source sustainably grown vegan wines and package them in airtight pouches because it keeps the wine fresh for 30 days after opening, which means you can enjoy a single glass at a time. Additionally, this packaging reduces wine's carbon footprint by 80%.

BEST FOODS TO PAIR WITH YOUR WINES? Anything really. Our wines are very light and crisp - and we purposefully make it this way so it's easy to make it easy to pair with food or without food. Sauv Blanc is mostly parts Sauvignon Blanc and some parts Riesling. This gives it floral fruit flavors that pair nicely with spicy Asian food- I'm biased but Vietnamese or Thai. Our Rosé has a zesty lime taste, so I would pair it with anything you might squeeze a bit of lime on to- tacos, BBQ, etc. The Pinot Noir is perfect with a slight chill. It's a juicy red fruit that has great acidity and would most definitely help you take down a nice slice of greasy pizza.

FAVORITE COMFORT TV SHOW? My favorite "comfort" tv show is Reality TV. It has the unique ability to put me to sleep in seconds.