Ashley Cimone and Moya Annece of ASHYA


Founders of travel accessories brand ASHYA, Ashley Cimone and Moya Annece aren’t tourists when they visit new places - they’re journalists. Always looking to learn the story behind a place and its people, Ashley and Moya bring their research to their bags. 

Having initially met while in school at the Fashion Institute of Technology, Moya and Ashley didn’t develop the idea for New York-based ASHYA until they took a post-grad trip to the southwestern coast of India. The founders share a deep appreciation for travel and cultural exploration, as well as a practical frustration at the lack of elevated travel accessories - so they decided to attack the problem head on and start their own brand. Moya and Ashley design collections as odes to places that have impacted them; in alignment with ASHYA’s mission to broaden consumers’ cultural perspectives, they collaborate with local creators to ensure each collection accurately represents the location’s narrative. ASHYA’s products strike the perfect balance of luxury and utility. The bags are designed for function with secure clasps, pockets for the essentials, and a variety of ways to carry so hands are left free. But the emphasis that Ashley and Moya put on function is matched in design - the belt and bolo bags are sleek, sophisticated, and gender-neutral.

ON RECORD: Start traveling with ASHYA.

NAMES: Ashley Cimone / Moya Annece

CITIES: Brooklyn, NY / Kingston, Jamaica

BENEFIT OF MANUFACTURING IN NEW YORK: The benefit of manufacturing domestically lies in the personal relationships we’re able to build with our local partners and the intimate nature of our product development process. We’re able to make frequent visits to our manufacturer’s studio and be meticulous in the supervision of our work. It's been a great learning experience for us as designers to be so close to the process and the craftsmen and women who work so hard and skillfully to bring our visions to life, something we greatly value.

THREE KEY COMPONENTS OF A WELL-DESIGNED BAG: Purposeful — We believe good design is solution oriented, and that a well-designed bag should serve some utilitarian purpose in the wearer's life. Ergonomic — How does it feel? Is it comfortable to wear, easy to carry? These are things we think about when designing. Whether small or large, trendy or classic, bags should be designed for the comfort of the carrier. Quality — A well-designed bag is one that lasts, designed with technique and quality materials that withstand the test of time.

NEXT TRIP DESTINATION YOU’RE PLANNING (OR DREAMING ABOUT): We’re really looking forward to traveling to West Africa in the near future, Ghana in particular. We have sourcing and creative explorations in mind so look forward to visiting sooner than later.

