Layli Samimi of Layli Dyes Hard


What does it truly mean to dye hard? Layli Samimi embodies her art, and works hard to capture spirit, feelings, and moments in her creations — definitively dyeing hard

Everything under the Layli Dyes Hard brand is created with attention, love, and intention. Dye pigments reflect the colors found in the natural world, or capture and convey an omnipresence. The shapes in each piece are far from accidental — they are deliberately placed on each piece and imparted with spiritual connection between herself and the wearer. 

At the age of seventeen, Layli took an introductory course to batik and shibori dyeing, and fell in love with the practice of manual-resist dyeing. Her love of the craft has followed her from her home state of Alaska to California. To this day, she dyes-by-day with her children running the backyard, and sometimes quietly under the light of the moon.

One can draw a comparison between the intense colors and patterns of a Layli Dyes Hard piece and the infectious energy and kindness of Layli herself. She is a person who moves through the world with kindness and care, and steps back to admire and assess what she puts into the universe.  We were thrilled to have Layli at our first direct-to-consumer event, The MRKT. The Layli Dyes Hard story continues forward, with exciting collaborations in the works, and stockists nationwide. Most recently, Layli developed an exclusive line in collaboration with Ron Herman which is being showcased at the Ron Herman Store pop-up at Mojave Flea. She is currently developing custom pieces for Lee Jeans. 

WAX ON, WAX OFF: Layli shows us that a love for craft goes far beyond practice.



TELL US WHAT DRIVES YOU TO DYE:  I was raised in Alaska, where it was very rowdy & wild in the best ways. Growing up in such insanely beautiful nature in my formative years deeply connected me to what is most important to me now: being in nature is my form of prayer & connecting deeply with humans is what makes it all make sense to me. I was also raised with a deep spiritual background. So those things really instilled in me this deep sense of longing - longing for the deeper things in life and interacting with that deeper connection within myself, my art and others through my work - each piece I hand dye feels like a prayer or meditation, or a release of that wild extreme creative part of me that needs to come out and express joy.  I've also always been obsessed with color - the combinations and how each color evokes different feelings/emotions. Knowing that my pieces will be worn by so many different people - and I have no control over who they go to - is such an amazing transfer and exchange for me to experience at this point in my life. My pieces are filled with deep intention and love, and I explore a lot of the different ways I think energy interacts with us in and around our bodies - and I try to express that through how I dye each piece. And it has been such a damn huge honor when that is felt by my clients. A lot of people have shared with me that my work brings them a sense of comfort (like a comfort blanket) or armor, healing, love and even just feeling cool and good in your body when they wear Layli Dyes Hard.

THE BEST THING ABOUT LAUNCHING A BUSINESS FROM YOUR PASSION: The best thing about launching a business from my passion is literally that. Hahaha. To be able to do what I love everyday and create beauty and connect with beautiful people and be able to raise my two kids and be present for them? That's it - it's definitely a juggle and a lot of hard work - but this is it for me. It's about fighting for what you love in the world, no matter how niche or specific it seems; it's about doing the true work on yourself to bring yourself to account each day and be like, "okay Layli what are your dreams and you only have one life so you better fucking do it now or else when." I firmly believe if you listen to yourself - to the center/core of you - the answers and dreams are all there, wanting to come out. One's work cannot be replicated when it is coming from that true place. The best thing is knowing every day I am able to create my art doing what I love. It feels like such an immense honor and I am so full of gratitude. And when one operates from that place, it is felt. 

THE FIRST THING YOU DO EVERY MORNING:  Open my eyes, kiss and hug my kids and tell them I love them, then walk straight to my Moccamaster coffee machine. I seriously don’t answer anyone or anything until I do that. 

WHAT YOU NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT: I grew up in Alaska, and when I graduated high school, my parents gifted me a silver bracelet with the lovebirds of the Tlingit culture — an eagle and a raven carved by Alaska Native, master carver Wayne Price. I’ve worn it every day since. I also never leave the house without wearing my Field Ring by my beautiful pal Danica Stamenic.


Ooh la la by Run the Jewels

Forget About by Sibylle Baier

Tears in the Typing Pool by Broadcast

Reservoir by Metronomy

America by Bill Callahan

There's A Key by M. Ward

The entire Yeah Yeah Yeahs album from 2001 - Fever to Tell