Shari Siadat of TooD Beauty


Let’s talk about the unibrow. Those of us prone to them might have been taught by societal beauty standards to wax, pluck, laser, thread, and test out any hair-removing technology guaranteed to make sure it’s ostracized from the face. Creative multi-hyphenate Shari Siadat was not immune to this, either. She spent years hiding the hair between her brows.

But once she became a mother, she remembered the negative effect the standards she internalized had on her, and that if she didn’t teach her daughter to accept herself fully, she might be growing up ashamed of her brows. That’s when Shari decided to grow back her unibrow, and TooD beauty came to be.

TooD is short for Attitude. Shari’s approach: cover those spots you were once ashamed of in glitter.

With that, she’s invented the first one-swipe biodegradable glitter and cultivated a community around the joy, creativity, and experimentation that celebrates make-up.

NON-TOXIC PRODUCTS, NON-TOXIC MINDSET: we love a business based on self-love.

NAME: Shari Siadat

WHAT’S YOUR BEAUTY PHILOSOPHY? There’s no amount of make-up in the world that can cover up for the lack of self-love. The most beautiful people in the world are always described as having “energy,” a “je ne sais quoi” because beauty is a feeling, a vibration, a magnetism, a forcefield, that is felt when you walk into a room. 

THE BEST THING ABOUT GLITTER: That there are biodegradable solutions so you no longer have to choose between sparkling adoration versus detonation of the planet. 

HOW YOU FOUND YOUR CURRENT STYLE: The freer I became, the more I really understood my eclectic taste in how I dress and wear make-up. My love for the environment and vintage clothing allows me, like a time machine, to go through various times and styles and have access to all of them. My favorite question that I love to dream about is wondering who were the souls that wore this outfit before me, and what am I, energetically, absorbing from them?

WALK US THROUGH YOUR PERFECT SATURDAY NIGHT: Watching the sunset on the beach, eating a really delicious Mediterranean meal, lighting a fire, sitting in the hot tub, and looking at the stars. 

WHAT SONG IS ON REPEAT FOR YOU RIGHT NOW? You Can Get It If You Really Want, by Jimmy Cliff 


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