Mandy Kordal of Kordal


Sustainable, ethical, natural knitwear. That’s a mouthful, but one we’d gladly swallow if it’s being pioneered by Mandy Kordal.  

Mandy is the founder and creative director of Kordal, the namesake brand she started when she was only 24 years old. Having begun her career with bigger brands, Mandy saw firsthand the frustrating practices in the fashion industry that lead to huge amounts of waste and inhumane working conditions. She knew then that ethical practices, for people and the planet, were going to serve as the cornerstone of her own work. Kordal pieces are designed without trends in mind; made of natural, sustainable materials; and produced in factories that pay workers fairly. 

CONCLUSION: Can we have some more please?

FULL NAME: Mandy Kordal

CITY: Brooklyn, NY

PREFERRED CITY: Besides my own, Barcelona.

WALK OR RUN?: Run, quarantine has awakened the runner in me!

CARB OF CHOICE: Currently, homemade NYTimes No Knead Bread, I’m obsessed.