Cyo Ray Nystrom of Quim


If you’re someone with a vagina, or someone who loves vaginas, you know that bad health down there can lead to unpleasant or even painful sex, which leads to even worse health, which leads to more bad sex, and so on. Cyo Ray Nystrom, founder of Quim, is here to break the cycle. 

Quim creates plant-based vaginal self-care products for proactive wellness. And we love the name - what used to be a slur for female sex organs is now being taken back as a term of empowerment and understanding through this powerful brand. Cyo started Quim with the belief that any given person is the #1 expert of what living in their own body is like, and listening to those experiences is an invaluable chance for learning. Vaginal health issues don’t have to happen, as Cyo learned by treating herself with homemade remedies. She started making those same remedies on a bigger scale when she realized that she wasn’t the only one who could benefit from them. Founding Quim with childhood friend Rachel Washtien has done amazing things for Cyo — not least of which was reuniting her with her father! — and she’s ready to take what she’s learned and pass it on to others who need it.

FULL CIRCLE: A healthy vagina is a happy one.

FULL NAME: Cyo Ray Nystrom

CITY: San Francisco, CA

WAS IT HARD TO START TALKING ABOUT VAGINAS ALL OF THE TIME? Not really; at least not compared to actually enduring a multitude of vaginal health problems for over a decade. 

STRANGEST EMAIL YOU’VE EVER REC’D: Ooh this is hard because we receive A LOT of wild emails. One of my faves is this older gentleman who emails us every time he and his wife use the product to report back on how many orgasms she had, I'm pretty sure their record is 9!!


Follow @its.quim
