Althea Simons of Grammar


Like a good sentence, the ideal wardrobe will contain a few key pieces that can be arranged and rearranged to new effects using a basic structure. Working within that structure, Althea Simons’s brand Grammar gives us the tools to build the perfect outfit. 

Althea developed the concept for the brand out of unfortunate necessity: in 2016, her apartment burnt down, and with it, her collection of good white button-downs. In trying to find replacements, she realized that few companies make high-quality classics because the design and manufacturing takes time, effort, and care – so she decided to make them herself. These staples can make all the difference in a wardrobe; Althea knows that with well-made and properly fitting clothing comes confidence. The pieces Grammar makes are not based on trend, and neither is the company’s dedication to sustainable fashion. They use only organic cotton, and all pieces are manufactured in New York City. 

NO EDITS NEEDED: The Grammar’s perfect.

FULL NAME: Althea Simons

CITY: Brooklyn, NY

DESCRIBE YOUR DESIGN PROCESS IN 3 WORDS: Reverent, Diligent, Thoughtful.  


BEST TIP FOR REMOVING STAINS ON WHITE SHIRTS: Rinse immediately! and pre-treat before washing.