Sarah and Lana of Cocobolo


Some people say a sister is a built-in friend. Sarah Alisdairi Close and Lana Alisdairi, founders of Cocobolo, took that a step further and saw in their sisterhood a built-in business partnership. 

Cocobolo, the sisters’ Tacoma, WA boutique, is focused on ethical consumption and environmental consciousness in fashion. Sarah and Lana promote a less-is-more attitude towards shopping, giving their customers options for well-made products that will last and have a positive impact on the planet. In addition to carrying a curated group of independent brands, Lana and Sarah stock natural beauty products, a selection of vintage pieces (including some amazing cowboy boots), and Lana produces an in-house line. And a fun fact: the boutique is only a few blocks from where their mother had a shop selling her own handmade clothes in the 70s. 

SISTER ACT: Retail’s in their genes (and jeans) (sorry, we had to).  

FULL NAME(S): Sarah Alisdairi Close and Lana Alisdairi

CITY: Tacoma, Washington

RADDEST VINTAGE FIND: Probably be wwII sailor pants.

BEST THING ABOUT OWNING A SHOP IN TACOMA, WA: It's such a community-focused town, it's a nice sized city but small enough to be cozy as well.

CHOCOLATE OF CHOICE: Milk chocolate with almonds.